Sandie Simply Says

March 31, 2009

Tuesday Randomness: Hot dogs, vents and ER

Filed under: General — by Sandie @ 5:39 pm


Ah, Tuesday. Already? My how time flies. And you know what Tuesday means: Time for some random thoughts! Want to join in the fun? Click on the button above and start randomizing!

We’ve started getting the house ready to sell this week. As part of the process we had some painters come out to paint three rooms in our house. It took them FIVE days!! And to top it off, it looks like something my 8 year old could have done! I had to go behind the painters and tell them all the areas they needed to re-do, something the should have clearly seen on their own. I’m just glad they’re out of my house! Hoping to get the house on the market by the end of April…wish us luck!

Alyssa and I made a solar hot dog cooker last night for a school project. I think we screwed it up somehow because our hot dog didn’t cook. I was hoping we could test it again tonight, but it’s raining. Can’t test a solar cooker without the sun. Hopefully the teacher will take pity on us.

My husband is in Texas right now visiting his daughters. Last night, he was at their moms house and apparently WW3 erupted. His ex got some sort of bee in her bonnet and started yelling at him. She was then ganged up on, by not only Ashley and Amanda, but also her mother. I guess when you’re own mother is against you, you KNOW you can’t be right. I’m loving the snark that Ashley is turning into, mostly because it’s not directed at me. And I love even better that it’s directed to her mom. Makes all those years of sitting quietly while her mom raved like a lunatic worth it. I wish I could have been there to see it. Is that petty of me?

I’m getting fed up with the Webb County child support office. Tony went today and told them he was ready to sign whatever he needed to get the child support review finished. They insist that he has to personally appear in court before they can do anything (even though he’s never had to appear in court before). Doesn’t matter that he lives 1,100 miles away and has military commitments. Oh, but they will be gracious enough to give him a 10-day notice before he has to appear. So, now we need to hire a lawyer to appear on his behalf. It’s no wonder so many people spend time ducking the system. They certainly don’t make it easy for people!

We had to unplug our router and cable modem while the painters were here. After they left I connected everything back up and had everything working but the internet. I disconnected the router and connected the modem straight to my computer, still no internet. So, I called my cable company and the first thing he told me was that it was a problem with my router…uh, no go, buddy, it’s not connected. He gets it working again. Yay! So, I disconnect the computer and reconnect the router. Suddenly, it’s not working again. So, I call the cable company again. I’m on the phone with this guy for 30 minutes trying different things to get the router to connect. Nothing works, so he connects me with Netgear (my router manufacturer). I get disconnected from them. As I’m muttering swear words under my breath, I go look at my router again. That’s when I realized I connected the modem to the wrong port. Oops!

I can’t believe Thursday is the series finale for ER. I’ve watched this show almost all of my adult life. It’s been a part of my Thursday nights for as long as I can remember. I just know I’m going to cry when I watch it. I’ve already been getting teary at the commercials! I feel like I’m losing some good friends. I’ve rejoiced at their triumphs and cried at their heartbreaks. I’ve enjoyed watching Archie grow from a hated weasel into a good attending physician. I loved watching Carter grow from promising medical student to a doctor out to save the world. And I cried like a baby when Dr. Green died. And again when Dr. Pratt died (that one STILL gets me teary eyed thinking about it…such a heartbreaking episode!). I’m going to miss County General. What am I going to do with my Thursday nights now?


  1. I hate calling tech support for my internet, they always walk me through the most basic crap, even when I told them it was down because my neighbor had accidentally severed the line digging.

    Good luck selling the house, we had a crappy painter do our living room and halls when we first moved in, we had to go behind him after he left to do the trim. Better off doing it yourself most times.

    Comment by mrsbear — March 31, 2009 @ 8:18 pm |Reply

  2. stoppin by from un moms RTT to say hi and read your randomness…a solar hot dog maker wow you rock!!!!

    Comment by georgie — March 31, 2009 @ 8:53 pm |Reply

  3. I haven’t watched any of this season’s ER, they’re all sitting on my DVR waiting to watch them back to back when I get the time so I had to skip that paragraph.

    That sucks that the painters did a crappy job. We had a guy install crown molding in the bedrooms last year and my husband was working from home and paid the guy (I wasn’t home at the time). When I got home, I realized that he didn’t seal any of the nail holes or paint over them (which we had agreed on beforehand). Grrr. They’re still not finished.

    Good luck getting the house ready to sell!

    Comment by Casey — March 31, 2009 @ 10:02 pm |Reply

  4. I didn’t make it in time for random Tuesday …had a butt load of packing to do!

    OH–and can I say, I remember the PREMIER of ER. It was following Thursday I came home from the hospital when I had Andie. I remember holding her and watching it!!!

    Comment by Tina — April 1, 2009 @ 1:32 am |Reply

  5. There is a warped kind of satisfaction when the kids figure out that their mom is a freakshow. I keep telling hubby to never say anything bad about his ex, that the girls will figure it out for themselves. And they do.

    Comment by GreenJello — April 1, 2009 @ 9:07 am |Reply

  6. I haven’t watched ER in years. I didn’t even know Dr. Green died.

    How bad is that??

    Comment by Keely — April 1, 2009 @ 9:42 am |Reply

  7. Hey Sandy! Just popping by to see how you are. I’m right there with ya, being petty about my BM. The last time we called Danielle, she whispered to her dad, “My mother is really getting on my nerves!” It seems that now that she is almost 14, it’s not so cool for mommy to be trying to hang out with her and her friends, and listen to every word she says on the phone, and look over her shoulder at every word she types on the computer, and otherwise monitor every little detail of her life! HA! The Mother of The Year needs o “get a life”! HA!

    Comment by Ginger — April 4, 2009 @ 8:14 am |Reply

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