Sandie Simply Says

December 1, 2009

Tuesday Randomness

Filed under: General — by Sandie @ 12:01 am


My trip to Malta was fantastic! To read about it, go here, here, and here (there’s a part 4 in the works, so be sure to check back for that too!).

This sign was hanging in the bathroom at St. Agatha’s Catacombs:

I would like to know what exactly were people doing with the toilet paper that prompted the posting of such a sign. Who determines what “proper” use of toilet paper is? Luckily, I didn’t have to stress about whether I was using the toilet paper properly…there was none.

This was by far the craziest thing I saw on our trip:

Those were buttons on a cigarette machine.  The cartons of cigarettes for sale at the airport had equally obnoxious labels on them.  And yet every where we went, people were smoking (and I’m not referring to tourists).  I’m thinking labels like that would definitely make me take pause before lighting up!

My brand new laptop bit the dust on Saturday.  I had it for two weeks and one day.  It was working fine Saturday morning.  We left to do some shopping and when we came back it was no longer working.  I spent over an hour on the phone with HP only to be told I had to ship it to the service center as I probably have a bad motherboard.

This is the first Thanksgiving I can remember I didn’t have my family’s pumpkin pie.  My mom made it ever year and when I moved out, she gave me the recipe and I’ve made it every year since.  This year, I was lazy so I didn’t make it.  I missed not having it, so on Saturday I bought a Sara Lee pumpkin pie to takes its place and it didn’t work.  At least Christmas is just around the corner.  I’ll definitely make some then!

One of Tony’s co-workers was a professional chef before she came in the Air Force.   Since my birthday was last Tuesday, he asked her if she would bake a cake for me.  This was the result:

The best way to describe this cake would be heaven on a plate!  It was a chocolate cake with white chocolate filling and chunks of chocolate covered in a chocolate ganache.  The writing and decorations were all white chocolate.  It was the best chocolate cake I’ve ever had!

Speaking of birthdays, my baby girl turns three today!  It’s hard to believe three years ago today we were in the hospital awaiting her arrival.  And now she’s all grown up!

This slice of randomness was brought to you by keely over at  Want more?  Click on the button at the top!

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