Sandie Simply Says

January 12, 2009

HASAY: Week 2

Filed under: General,HAYSAY,Weight Loss — by Sandie @ 5:39 am
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I feel I must start this week out with an apology.  So many of you stopped by over the week and offered support and well wishes and I was largely unable to do the same.  I promise I’ll do better this week!  And thanks to all of you who welcomed me with open arms!  We can and will do this!

It felt great starting back again.  And it feels great doing HASAY with you ladies.  One thing I like about starting a weight loss journey (no matter how large or small) is that you’re always so motivated the first week.  And that’s how I felt this week!  Also, knowing I was going to have to report back to you ladies (we are all ladies, right? Are any guys involved?), kept my will power strong!

OK, so how did I do on my goals last week?  Let’s see:

Goal 1: Journal every day (including days I don’t do so well) I managed to journal every day…yay me!  I even managed to pass up the sweets at the retirement ceremony I went to on Friday.  I did have a donut on Thursday, but I had the points for it, so all was good (I took a bite of a donut on Friday night, but spit it out…I hate cake donuts!).

Goal 2: Go to gym Mon, Wed, and Fri As I confessed last week, I get 90 minutes 3 days a week to go to the gym.  During duty hours.  Most days that means I have no excuse to skip the gym.  Unless work gets in the way.  Unfortunately, work got in the way on Monday and Friday.  Sure I still could have squeezed some gym time in, but who wants to do that?  I DID make it to the gym on Wednesday though.  I went to the Ab Lab class and it felt great (nevermind that it hurt to breathe on Thursday!).

Goal 3: Drink no more than 2 Diet Cokes per day (this plays into my resolutions too…how coincidental!)  Somewhere around Tuesday, this turned into “no more than 3 Diet Cokes per day.”  And somewhere around Wednesday, it turning into “drinking Diet Coke no more than 3 times a day.”  So, I could get Diet Coke at the restaurant and refill 15 times and it still only counted as one (like that math?).  The good news is, my Diet Coke intake decreases dramatically.  I really didn’t have 15 refills and most days I stuck pretty close to just 3 Diet Cokes.  I guess this week I need to define what equals 1 Diet Coke. 🙂

And now for the good part.  Drum roll, please.

Weight Change This Week:  -2.8

Goals for this week:

  • Journal every day
  • Get to the gym 3 times this week
  • Drink no more than 32 oz of Diet Coke a day (let’s see if I can stick to this one!)
  • Take a multivitamin every day (this one is going to be hard!)


  1. […] here. Tina from Teeny Thoughts Sunday update here. Sandie from Sandie Simply Says Sunday update here. Cyndi from The Adventures of HarryJack Lisette at The Coupon Queen of Corning Leslie at Captain […]

    Pingback by Club Half As Small As You: Week 12 : Half As Good As You - Leaving the working world to raise kids — January 12, 2009 @ 7:01 am |Reply

  2. Congratulations!

    Comment by Keely — January 12, 2009 @ 8:56 am |Reply

  3. Congrats on the weight loss and mostly meeting your goals. 😉 You’re doing something right, for sure. And thanks for reminding me to take my vitamin this morning, I always forget.

    Comment by mrsbear — January 12, 2009 @ 10:44 am |Reply

  4. Good job! I can’t cut out the diet coke or I would die from lack of caffeine.

    Comment by Kat — January 12, 2009 @ 1:31 pm |Reply

  5. I think I need to start this point stuff. Damn it.

    Comment by Debbie — January 12, 2009 @ 2:22 pm |Reply

  6. Mrs. Bear – I normally forget my vitamin too. I have an e-mail club at work (we call it the Boot in your Ass e-mail) and oure fearless leader reminds us to take our vitamins every day. So, I took them to work. Now I can take them whenever I see my boot e-mail coming in.

    Kat – I don’t think I can completely cut out the Diet Coke either. I definately needed to cut back though. I was drinking WAY too many!

    Debbie – You shoud try the point stuff. You know you have me to help you through! 🙂

    Comment by Sandie — January 12, 2009 @ 9:50 pm |Reply

  7. Wow! That is fantastic!!!

    Comment by Tina — January 12, 2009 @ 10:40 pm |Reply

  8. I pull that same free refills don’t count trick at restaurants too. Wow, great job on the weight loss, that’s impressive! I’m sorry work got in the way last week but this week I want to see some exercise on your end. Got it? They don’t call me the drill sergeant for nothing. Actually, I’m pretty sure nobody calls me that but it sounds cool. Good luck this week.

    Comment by halfasgoodasyou — January 13, 2009 @ 5:45 pm |Reply

  9. Awesome job this week! 2 pounds is a huge number. I need to get serious about the journaling. I forget to do it! But, now that WW has put everything in a neat little package, I can carry it with me and there are no excuses…

    Comment by Amy — January 14, 2009 @ 2:15 pm |Reply

  10. Nice going! Anything over two pounds off is downright impressive in my books.

    Comment by FoN — January 14, 2009 @ 11:49 pm |Reply

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